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Pharmacology Workbook for Dental Students

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Authors: Stefka Valcheva-Kuzmanova, Maria Zhelyazkova-Savova, Silvia Gancheva, Miroslav Eftimov, Antoaneta Georgieva

  • Година на издаване:
  • Издателство:
    Varna Medical University Press
  • ISBN:
  • Брой страници:
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Детайлно описание

The Pharmacology Workbook for Dental Students is a comprehensive educational resource designed to support students in mastering the fundamental principles of pharmacology with a focus on dental medicine. Structured as a series of seminars, the workbook provides a step-by-step guide to understanding drug classification, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and clinical applications. It covers key drug groups relevant to dentistry, including local anesthetics, analgesics, antimicrobials, and cardiovascular medications, offering both theoretical insights and practical applications.


Each of these 30 seminars includes questions and discussion topics, enabling students to test their knowledge and apply pharmacological principles to clinical scenarios. The workbook also features mid-term examinations to help students evaluate their progress throughout their studies.


This structured and practical approach makes the Pharmacology Workbook for Dental Students an essential tool for dental students seeking to develop a strong foundation in pharmacology and apply it effectively in their future practice.






General Pharmacology

  1. Definition of a Drug. Dosage Forms. The Prescription. Measuring Units in Prescription
  2. Semi-Solid and Liquid Dosage Forms
  3. Pharmacokinetics of Drugs. Routes of Drug Administration
  4. Pharmacodynamics of Drugs

Drugs Affecting the Nervous System

  1. Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Transmission
  2. Drugs Affecting Adrenergic Transmission
  3. Non-Narcotic Analgesics-Antipyretics (Non-Opioid Analgesics). Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
  4. Mid-Term Examination – General Pharmacology, Autonomic Nervous System, Non-Opioid Analgesics
  5. Pharmacology of Histamine. Local Anesthetics
  6. Opioid Analgesics and Antagonists. General Anesthetics
  7. Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs. Anxiolytics
  8. Mid-Term Examination – Histaminergic Drugs, Local Anesthetics, Opioid Analgesics, Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs
  9. Antiepileptic Drugs and Anticonvulsants. Pharmacologic Management of Parkinsonism
  10. Antipsychotic Drugs (Neuroleptics). Antidepressants

Drugs Affecting Organ Systems

  1. Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System
  2. Drugs Affecting the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System. Cardioinotropic Drugs
  3. Diuretics. Calcium Channel Blockers. Antihypertensive and Antihypotensive Drugs
  4. Antidysrhythmic (Antiarrhythmic) Drugs. Lipid-Lowering Drugs
  5. Antianginal Drugs. Peripheral Vasoactive Drugs
  6. Pharmacology of Blood
  7. Mid-Term Examination – Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System and Blood

Antimicrobial and Dental Pharmacology

  1. Bactericidal Antimicrobial Drugs: Antibiotics, Fluoroquinolones
  2. Bacteriostatic Antimicrobial Drugs: Antibiotics and Synthetic Drugs. Antianaerobic Antimicrobial Drugs
  3. Antifungal Drugs. Drugs Used to Treat Tuberculosis. Antiviral Drugs
  4. Specific Drugs Used in Dental Medicine. Antiseptics. Vitamins
  5. Mid-Term Examination – Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antiviral Drugs; Specific Dental Drugs

Additional Topics

  1. Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System
  2. Drugs with Endocrine-Metabolic Activity – Part I
  3. Drugs with Endocrine-Metabolic Activity – Part II
  4. Drug Toxicology: Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxic Drug Effects