Introduction to Latin and Medical Terminology for Students of Medicine and Dental Medicine
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This book is both a textbook and a workbook suitable for students of medicine and dental medicine who need a basic knowledge of Latin language for medical purposes.
The second edition, issued in 2015 is expanded and improved with extra activities.
Scientific communication in the field of law, philosophy, and medicine requires the use of special terminology in order to express clearly and precisely the case being discussed. Therefore, a book like this may improve the communication between doctors, nurses, and medical care staff in order to provide the necessary treatment for a patient.
In the 140-page book the author Ivana Ikonomova introduces essential Latin terminology. Here is the upgraded table of contents of the second edition from 2015:
- Lingua Latina. The Latin Language
- Alphabetum et pronunciatio. Alphabet and pronunciation
- Syllabae et accentus. Syllabification and accentuation
- Nomina substantive. Nouns
- Declinationes Latinae. Latin declensions
- Declinatio prima. First declension
- Noun-adjective agreement in Latin. Agreed attributes
- Attributive/adnominal genitives. Non-agreed attributes
- Word formation in medical terminology
- Declinatio secunda. Second declension
- Adiectiva declinationis I et II. Adjectives of the first and second declension
- Declinatio tertia. Third declension
- Declinatio tertia consonans. Third consonant declension
- Declinatio tertia vocalis. Third vocal declension (i-stems)
- Declinatio tertia mixta. Third mixed declension (mixed stems)
- Adiectiva declinationis tertiae. Adjectives of the third declension
- Participium praesentis active. Present participle
- Declinatio quarta. Fourth declension
- Declination quinta. Fifth declension
- Gradus comparationis. Comparatives and superlatives
- Declinationes Craecae. Greek declensions in Latin
- General rules in the Latin declensions
- Praepositiones. Prepositions
- Terminoelementa Graeca – repetition. Greek combining forms – revision
- Diagnoses
- Hippocratis iusuirandum
- Hippocratic oath
- Gaudeamus igitur
- Appendix I – Prefixes and suffixes in word formation
- Appendix II – Verbum. Verb
- Latin-English glossary
How to cite:
Ikonomova, Iv. Introduction to Latin and Medical Terminology for Students of Medicine and Dental Medicine. Varna, STENO, 2015. 140 p.