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Home Textbooks Dental Materials Science: Lectures & Laboratory Classes Notes. Part 1

Dental Materials Science: Lectures & Laboratory Classes Notes. Part 1

Price: €9.71
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    0.340 Kgs
Author: Tsanka Dikova

  • Year of publication :
  • Publisher:
    Varna Medical University Press
  • ISBN:
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Detailed description

This is the first part of the textbook Dental materials science, intended for the students of dentistry.

Second edition.

The present book consists of two chapters - lecture notes and laboratory classes' reports. The textbook is developed on the basis of the lectures on dental materials science according to the approved syllabus of the Dental Faculty at the Medical University of Varna.

The lecture notes' chapter includes topics on general materials science: structure of materials and their properties - physical, optical, mechanical and technological. Along with the theoretical knowledge, many practical advices can also be found.

The laboratory classes reports' chapter consists of templates of reports. They are designed for the self-study of students during laboratory classes and at home. The aim, type of training, equipment and instruments needed as well as the practical tasks, are noted. The students should write a summary and a conclusion answering the questions given.

This book is very useful for dental students during lectures, their work in laboratory classes and especially in preparation for practical and theoretical exams. Although it is addressed to the first year students, it could also be helpful to the final year students and young dentists to understand their mistakes in the application of dental materials.



Programme of Dental Materials Science, Ist semester

CHAPTER 1. Dental Materials Science, Lectures Notes, Ist semester

Lecture 1: Dental materials science - history, objective and tasks. Requirements and classification of dental materials

Lecture 2: Structure of dental materials - crystal and amorphous materials. Physical properties, imbibition and solubility, wettability and adhesion

Lecture 3: Optical and technological properties of the materials

Lecture 4: Mechanical properties of dental materials

Lecture 5: Gypsum materials

Lecture 6: Metals and alloys. Crystallization. Alloys investigation

Lecture 7: Noble and base dental alloys

CHAPTER 2. Dental Materials Science, Laboratory Classes Reports, Ist semester

Report, Laboratory class 1

Laboratory class 2: Measuring with caliper and micrometer

Report, Laboratory class 2

Report, Laboratory class 3

Report, Laboratory class 4

Report, Laboratory class 5

Report, Laboratory class 7

Review, Prof. Angelina Kiselova-Yaneva, MD, PhD, DSc


How to cite:

Dikova, Ts. Dental Materials Science: Lectures and Laboratory Classes Notes. Part 1. 2 ed. Varna: Varna Medical University Press, 2020. 123 p.